Samuel Waliggo, MPH
Founder Director & CEO
Other members

Mr. Freman Pascal

Samuel is the founder Director, CEO of MOD Public Health Consultants Uganda and a director of MOD Public Health Foundation Limited. He is a Nurse and Public Health Specialist (MPH) trained from the University College Cork (UCC), Ireland in 2012 with the Degree of Masters in Public Health and Epidemiology. He is a mentor by leadership category, evidence based driven with a high level of emotional intelligence.
Samuel is a social entrepreneur. He has fifteen years’ experience in designing and executing public health programs in the areas of reproductive health, HIV and AIDS and social-economic strengthening in the resource limited setting. He worked as the programmes manager at Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization-one of the biggest HIV programmes in Uganda for ten years (2006-2017). Samuel is well versed with the organizational design, systems strengthening, monitoring and evaluation frameworks for efficiency and value for money.
He has led the implementation of various partnership complex projects for instance the PEPFAR/CDC DREAMS programme for 50,000 Adolescent Girls and Young women in 7 districts of Uganda. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Uganda virus Research Institute (UVRI), he has participated in four national surveys on HIV Drug Resistance Early Warning Indicators (HIVDR-EWIS) in 120 health facilities that provide ART in Uganda. He has trained and mentored over 350 health workers from both Government and private health facilities on quality of care.